Wednesday, October 12, 2016

2016 Fiber Fusion

What could tickle a fiber junkie's heart more than a fiber gathering. The possibilities  er piles of fiber in all stages and colors are enough to set one's heart a thumping. And the fiber toys spindles, looms, vendors in mass. Does it get any better than that? 

The first exhibit that greeted us on Saturday October 8th was this genius animated project from the 1930's . 

And read here about this great exhibit and how it got its start.

Then we were greeted by this cutie who was stylish attired in a pink ball cap and body paint. A real kid (the two legged kind) magnet and adults enjoyed her attire also.

A left turn took us to the exhibit hall and who greeted us at the door ?  Dresses for success was the"Fiber Filly" and a box on the table with signage asking passerby's to submit their favorite name for this gal.   

Then came the eye candy with the winners of the "Yarn and Textile Competition". There are a lot of very talented spinners, weavers, knitters, dyers and felters in our mist. Not to forget those hardworking livestock folks who raise the goats, sheep, alpaca, llamas and yaks yes yaks who provide us with the material it takes to make our projects a reality.

There were a good number of vendors on hand this year and they were both inside and out. Row after row of fiber roving, yarn, silk caps, batts from every fiber producing species in you can name. 

Cute display in the Mt. Lassen Fiber  Guild booth. This is an enlarged version of the signage below the the tub of Local Yarn Natural Dyes.

The North Valley Woodturners were an entertaining bunch to watch. And although these totem poles and carving were not of their doing they were pretty amazing.

We left the event early afternoon after both myself and my friend purchased a couple of lovely raw fleeces  (meaning they came direct off the sheep and hadn't been processed at all yet) which I will get some photos of and include in another post. We went up the hill to Paradise and stopped at  leaving after samples each with a bag or box full of yummy apples. 

I have photos of the almost finished greenhouse and the doe barn. Plus a few  thoughts for a post on other topics. We have storms moving into our area with rain YIPPEE! But  I have been very busy getting the barns ready for the weather with a few events in between . Preparing for a hay trip down to the valley in about a week. So if I am slow forgive me and I will get more post up as extra time (is that like discretionary money ?) allows. 



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