Wednesday, September 5, 2018

Can You See What The Eye Sees?

Don't you just love the topiary rabbit at Golden Leaf nursery? I do it made my day a couple of weeks before when I dropped into visit with my friend Pam who works there.  And being a smart rabbit it is wearing sunglasses to protect its eyes.

I mentioned that there would be an update on this fellow. I am using the same photo from the original post to share with you all that he has Shingles of the optic nerve. I will not use another photo until I get one that reflects him in a better light, um, so to speak. He sorta looks like the Walking Dead at the moment, poor guy.

To recap here is what our friends on the internet have to say about this

We are at roughly week 8 , week 7 if you are counting only visits after the first visit with the O.D. and subsequent visits with the ophthalmologist.  However it was somewhere between week 1 to 2 that he began having symptoms but did share them until week 2. Whatever ;-0 I don't believe I posted the last visit with the ophthalmologist which resulted in his not needing to have the eyelids on the left eye sutured together for a month. As they began to open and close helping decrease the dry eye syndrome on its own. However on the week 6 visit he was given a new drop prescription as he had an increase in the pressure of the  inneroccular area and the attending ophthalmologist referred him to see the specialist in the group dealing with that after a week on the drops.

Well ( I know Susan a new paragraph ) today was that visit. The take home from it was the pressure is decreasing (thankful) and the news this week is as follows. Keep using the new drops but decrease to twice daily from four times daily. And that the doctor is concerned that the nerve damage to the left top eyelid may be permanent. That is something that only time will tell. Still with us is the relentless discomfort, sensitivity to light , somewhat elevated pressure in eye (but danger of permanently distorting or explosion of eye is less)   and lastly unbearable fatigue.

The good news is he began walking the English and BC / Aussie two days ago. The bad news is that is all he can do for now still remaining horizontal in pain most of every 24 hours. The good news is he is not hard to find. The bad news is the firewood needs another couple of cords or more for winter. The worse news is I may end up learning how to use a maul and sledge hammer. In which case I may end up horizontal also. But the upside is "country girls can." Stay tuned as he has graduated to biweekly appointments so another installment can be expected in two weeks.

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At September 5, 2018 at 4:26 PM , Blogger Mama Pea said...

Oh, the poor, dear man! Of course he's constantly fatigued. They say that any pain near your brain is worse just because of the proximity to the main nerve center. Glad to hear the doctor's news is good news, if only slightly.

We're packing up our wood splitter and heading for your place so you don't have to split all that wood by hand. (If only! We would in a nano second.) YOU must remain vertical so you can take care of your horizontal man. Give him our best wishes for the speediest recovery from now on.

At September 5, 2018 at 9:14 PM , Blogger Goatldi said...

I will do just that Mama Pea. At least pass on the well wishes. Can't make any promises on the wood splitting or lack of. Must confess that your wood splitter sounds like something we could use. The horizontal man is very insistent on doing things the old way whenever possible. HOWEVER (that is a big however) the vertical woman is not always capable of doing what the horizontal man could do when he was vertical. Drat that!
What is more tempting is the thought of a visit at the table breaking bread with you and Papa Pea . Maybe Chicken Mama too just for grins and giggles.

At September 6, 2018 at 8:33 PM , Blogger Unknown said...

Thank you for the update. So happy that the horizontal man is caring for his fur babies, they are the best medicine. If you don't make it our way soon I may have to just come to you. And my garden is do for a good manuring too. I'll bring the truck.

At September 6, 2018 at 8:50 PM , Blogger Goatldi said...

Indeed unknown. Will the Barista let you load "the" truck with a richly composting mix of goat and chicken poop smothered in falling oak 🍃?


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